How to create a big file
Linux command to create large file
The below command will help you to create a very big file. dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/bigfile bs=1024k count=100 This command is capable of creating a huge file. ..
The below command will help you to create a very big file. dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/bigfile bs=1024k count=100 This command is capable of creating a huge file. ..
Thinking of installing a wireless network? Think again. Although we deliberately omit describing some key components of the hack attack kit to prevent intruders from wrecking havoc, those missing pieces are all too readily available. It used to take a certain amount of talent to break into a computer network, but ..
How to hack the computers in your LAN I am going to show you a way to have fun with the users of your lan. Upside down images The idea i got from Upside-Down-Ternet article written by -someone-. He/she described how to play a trick on the neighbours that was leeching ..
What is WiMAX? WiMAX is, Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, a technology standard that enables high speed wireless internet. In other words, WiMAX combines the high speed of a broadband connection with the convenience of mobile internet connectivity. WiMAX provides wireless broadband access up to a radius of 50 kilometers ..
What is Emacs? Emacs is another editor available in UNIX. Like vi, emacs is a screen editor. Unlike vi, emacs is not an insertion mode editor, meaning that any character typed in emacs is automatically inserted into the file, unless it includes a command prefix. Commands in emacs are either control ..
To find the language set in your linux machine use the below command echo $LANG To change the value of $LANG variable to utf-8 just follow below step export LANG="en_GB.UTF-8" ..
To find the language set in your linux machine use the below command echo $LANG To change the value of $LANG variable to utf-8 just follow below step export LANG="en_GB.UTF-8" ..
public class Distance { //**************************** // Get minimum of three values //**************************** private int Minimum (int a, int b, int c) { int mi; mi = a; if (b < mi) { mi = b; } if (c < mi) { mi = c; } return mi; } //***************************** // Compute Levenshtein distance //***************************** public int LD (String s, String t) { int d[][]; // matrix int n; // length ..
Recursively rename .JPG to .jpg using standard find and mv command. find /path/to/images -name '*.JPG' -exec bash -c 'mv "$1" "${1/%.JPG/.jpg}"' -- {} \; The above command will find all the JPG file and rename it to .jpg file. Here the find command is used to find the JPG file and ..
MVC Architecture The main aim of the MVC architecture is to separate the business logic and application data from the presentation data to the user. Here are the reasons why we should use the MVC design pattern. 1. They are resuable : When the problems recurs, there is no need to invent ..
Execute a PHP script every 30 minutes using crontab 0,30 * * * * php -q /address/to/script.php Just put this line in a file that resides in your /etc/cron.d/ folder, and you're set. The script.php file will execute once for every 30 minutes. ..
You can get line number's of a file using grep command. Syntax grep -n "^" <filename> Example grep -n "^" tags.txt OUTPUT 1:<html> 2:<head> </head> 3:<title> </title> 4:<body> 5:</body> 6: 7:</html> The above command will also count the blank lines and prints the result as above. ..
We use to print the PATH of our linux machine by using the echo $PATH command. How to find the PATH echo $PATH OUTPUT: /usr/lib/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/patel/bin This kind of output will not be legible to read of find the path. How to print PATH with one line per entry echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n} OUTPUT: ..
There is one common denominator to all session fixation attacks and scenarios: The user logs in to a session with an attacker-chosen ID, instead of having been issued a newly generated session ID by the server. Since there seems to be no compelling reason for web applications to explicitly allow ..
Before Creating Account Admin ,decide the following : 1) No.of User the reseller can create under his control 2) Size of JVM to be assigned to a reseller ( This JVM can be split and given to users under him) When the above things are decided then login into server through ..