Linux - Create admin account using ncli, Size of JVM assigned for a reseller
Create admin account using ncli
Before Creating Account Admin ,decide the following :
1) No.of User the reseller can create under his control
2) Size of JVM to be assigned to a reseller ( This JVM can be split and given to users under him)
When the above things are decided then login into server through SSH/putty and proceed the following command :
/usr/ngasi/apiclient/bin/ -command=addgroup -name=[ group-name] -owner=admin -maxMemory[ JVM size ] -webhosting=[ No.of sites a reseller can host] -user=admin -password=[ password of admin]
Example :
/usr/ngasi/apiclient/bin/ -command=addgroup -name=reseller1 -owner=admin -maxMemory=256m -webhosting=5 -user=admin -password=your_password
In this example a reseller group/package named reseller1 is created .When a reseller is created under reseller1 group then he can Add Upto 5 user under him and can have upto 256MB JVM ( which he can spilt to his users) .
The topic on Linux - Create admin account using ncli is posted by - Malu
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