Php - Steps to install imagemagick, Php imagemagick installation steps

Steps to install imagemagick

How to install imagemagick on my linux server

You would need imagemagick module in php, when you are working with videos and images. The below steps will give you a brief description on installing imagemagick on your server.

  1.) mkdir /home/cpimins

  2.) cd /home/cpimins

  3.) wget

  4.) tar zxvf magick.tar.gz

  5.) cd magick

  6.)  /scripts/installrpm ImageMagick

  7.)  /scripts/installrpm ImageMagick-devel

  8.)  sh ./install

If the above step might help you to install the imagemagick on your linux server.

The topic on Php - Steps to install imagemagick is posted by - Amar

Hope you have enjoyed, Php - Steps to install imagemagickThanks for your time

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