Linux - Vi commands to copy paste delete and all edit options, How to undo and redo in vi editor
Vi commands to copy paste delete and all edit options
Vim offer several functionalities that improve your editing.
1. Copying a whole line
yy or shift y or :ny
where n is the number of line if n is not specified then copy the current line
2. Copying from current position to end of line.
3. Copying 3 lines after the current position
4. Copying a range of line
:1,5y or :1y 5The above example copy 5 lines, from 1 to 5
5. Deleting a whole line (Deleted line is copy to the registers)
dd or :ndWhere n is the number of line if n is not specified then delete the current line
6. Deleting from current position to end of line (Deleted text is copied to the registers)
d$ or shift d
7. Deleting a range of line
:1,5d or :1d 5The above example remove 5 lines, from 1 to 5 and copy them to a register
8. Put n times a text, previously copied, after the cursor
9. Put n times a text, previously copied, before the cursor
n Shift p
10. Word completion, works in insert mode
Ctrl n search forward for next matching Ctrl p search backward for previous matching
11. Put vim in replace mode
Shift r
12. Undo
13. Redo
Ctrl r
14. Repeating last change
15. Getting help about a topic
:help topic
Note: previous commands work in command mode except 10.
The topic on Linux - Vi commands to copy paste delete and all edit options is posted by - Malu
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