Linux - Recover from corrupted boot image, Recover kernal panic caused of boot image

Recover from corrupted boot image

While booting system, you saw some error and stop the boot process by displaying some error messages.
Kernel Panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!
And no further boot process. What you will do to boot the system

Before following these steps try to make a backup of your grub.conf file

1) Boot Linux from CD

2) You will get boot promt on screen.

3) Type linux rescue
   boot: linux rescue

4) Rescue mode will mount system image under the /mnt/sysimage directory

5) Now change chroot to /mnt/sysimage
   # chroot /mnt/sysimage

6) Install the grub using grub-install
   # grub-install /dev/sda

grub.conf file missing

Recovering grub
   # /sbin/grub-install

The topic on Linux - Recover from corrupted boot image is posted by - Math

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