Linux - How to use gedit shortuct keys, Gedit shortuct keys

How to use gedit shortuct keys

Shortcut keys to perform common tasks more quickly than with the mouse and menus. Here are some of the shortcut keys listed for gedit text editor. Shortcuts for tabs:

Shortcut Key Command
Ctrl + Alt + PageUp => Switches to the next tab to the left.
Ctrl + Alt + PageDown => Switches to the next tab to the right.
Ctrl + W => Close tab.
Ctrl + Shift + L => Save all tabs.
Ctrl + Shift + W => Close all tabs.
Alt + n => Jump to nth tab.

Shortcuts for working with files:

Shortcut Key Command
Ctrl + N => Create a new document.
Ctrl + O => Open a document.
Ctrl + L => Open a location.
Ctrl + S => Save the current document to disk.
Ctrl + Shift + S => Save the current document with a new filename.
Ctrl + P => Print the current document.
Ctrl + Shift + P => Print preview.
Ctrl + W => Close the current document.
Ctrl + Q => Quit Gedit.

Shortcuts for editing documents:

Shortcut Key Command
Ctrl + Z => Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Shift + Z => Redo the last undone action .
Ctrl + X => Cut the selected text or region and place it on the clipboard.
Ctrl + C => Copy the selected text or region onto the clipboard.
Ctrl + V => Paste the contents of the clipboard.
Ctrl + A => Select all.
Ctrl + D => Delete current line.

Shortcuts for showing and hiding panes:

Shortcut Key Command
F9 => Show/hide the side pane.
Ctrl + F9 => Show/hide the bottom pane.

Shortcuts for searching:

Ctrl + F => Find a string.
Ctrl + G => Find the next instance of the string.
Ctrl + Shift + G => Find the previous instance of the string.
Ctrl + K => Interactive search.
Ctrl + H => Search and replace.
Ctrl + Shift + K => Clear highlight.
Ctrl + I => Goto line.

Shortcuts for tools:

Shortcut Key Command
Shift + F7 => Check spelling (with plugin).
Alt + F12 => Remove trailing spaces (with plugin).
Ctrl + T => Indent (with plugin).
Ctrl + Shift + T => Remove Indent (with plugin).
F8 => Run "make" in current directory (with plugin).
Ctrl + Shift + D => Directory listing (with plugin).

Shortcuts for help:

Shortcut Key
F1 => Open gedit's user manual.

The topic on Linux - How to use gedit shortuct keys is posted by - Patel

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