Linux - How to install vbulletin board, Steps install vbulletin board

How to install vbulletin board

Vbulletin istallation

1) use the link and give download now option in the left side and enter.
2) Enter the customeer number and password.
3) click download now and select agree and give proceed.
4) vbulletin will get downloaded in zip format.[ex. vbulletin_3-8-2_VBF9ED6877]
5) extract the files it will get save in desktop.
6) Download the files the folders to the particular server's /home/username/public_html/
a) From the local terminal copy to the server path.
b) Go to cd /Desktop and Use,
scp asupport@xx.xx.xx.xx:/home/asupport

asupport@xx.xx.xx.xx's password:
stdin: is not a tty     100% 3389KB  54.7KB/s   01:02

7) In the server /home/username/public_html/
8) unzip vbulletin_3-8-2_VBF9ED6877

9) cd /public_html
10) Remove do not upload folder by rm -rf do not upload.
12) rename upload folder to forum/ by mv upload/ forum/
13) go to forum/-->/includes/-->change* to config.php
14) edit the file vi /home/username/public_html/forum/includes/config.php and mention the below steps
a) Mention the database name.
   ['Database']['dbname'] = 'DBNAME';
b) Mention the technical e-mail address.
   ['Database']['technicalemail'] = 'customer e-mail ID';

['MasterServer']['username'] = 'DB Username';(username_forum)
['MasterServer']['password'] = 'Passwd'; give generate password

To create database
whm-->list accounts-->cpanel-->mysql databases

1) create database
2) add user and password
3) click username and set the privileges by selecting check box ALL
4) Now the database will be created with the user name.

13) Go to /home/username/public_html/forums/install/ then you will find the file name like "", Rename(move) this file as "install.php"
14) Access install.php file in the web browser to install VBulletin ex://
15) Installation completed.

Thats it, your vbulletin is installed now. you can use your vbulltin as your bullitin board now.

The topic on Linux - How to install vbulletin board is posted by - Math

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