Linux - How to find which process is listening upon a port, Find process using a port

How to find which process is listening upon a port

fuser is an useful tool used to find open ports and all to kill or stop program using a filesystem or directory.
 # fuser -km /home
kills all processes accessing the filesystem or directory /home

show all processes at (local) TELNET port
 # fuser -s /dev/tty

 # fuser telnet/tcp

 # netstat --tcp --udp --listening --program

 # fuser -n | grep | awk '{print $2}'

 # ps -ef | grep | awk '{print $4}'

Get the PID of the process listening on a known port
 # fuser -n [tcp | udp] [portno.] | grep [tcp | udp] | awk '{print $2}'

 # ps -e | grep [pid] | awk '{print $4}'

 # fuser -n | grep | awk '{print $2}'

 # ps -e | grep | awk '{print $4}'

Find open port and program running on it
 netstat -antlp | grep tcp | grep LIST | awk '{print $4,$7}' | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk -F/ '{print $1,$2}' | awk '{print $1,$3}' | sort -nu

Other commands which are normally used is
 # netstat -antulp

 # rpcinfo -p host

 # netstat -plan | grep $(pgrep process_name)
Above method can be used to monitor or find out the open port of a specific program. For example if you are using jboss and the process which you want findout can be jboss or your browser name.

The topic on Linux - How to find which process is listening upon a port is posted by - Math

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