Linux - How to filter filenames in ftp filezilla, FTP Client - filter filenames in ftp
How to filter filenames in ftp filezilla
How to filter file or directories in filezilla?How to restrict particular files from uploading into file server / FTP server?
Use "Filename filters" option to filter the files like '.svn','.cvs','thumbs.db',etc,. from uploading/downloading.
1) Open Filezilla.
2) Go to View->Filename filters. Or use the shortcut "Ctrl+i".
3) You will get the "Directory listing filters" window opened.
4) Choose "Edit filter rules" and add the filters you want.
5) Select your filter from the listing,
6) Hit "Apply" and then "Ok".
Now you have secured your site from uploading/downloading the unwanted files like thumbs.db, .svn, .cvs or etc., It will help you stop consuming more diskspace.
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