Linux - How to check oracle db is there or not, Find the running oracle Database

How to check oracle db is there or not

How to check what are all oracle database present in the website or not?

When you are not sure that the oracle Database is present in the server or not then you can check it the below commands. There are also other methods to check the server, the better way to check the server is as below.

 # ps -ef | grep pmon
oracle    2125     1  0  2010 ?        00:03:38 ora_pmon_abci
oracle   11033     1  0  2011 ?        00:00:02 ora_pmon_dffi
oracle   12325     1  0  2011 ?        00:00:02 ora_pmon_efgi
oracle   13583     1  0  2011 ?        00:00:09 ora_pmon_hiji
root     20585 20068  0 10:09 pts/0    00:00:00 grep pmon

 # ps -ef | grep smon
oracle    2139     1  0  2010 ?        00:08:41 ora_smon_abci
oracle   11052     1  0  2011 ?        00:00:28 ora_smon_dffi
oracle   12339     1  0  2011 ?        00:00:42 ora_smon_efgi
oracle   13597     1  0  2011 ?        00:01:02 ora_smon_hiji
root     20597 20068  0 10:09 pts/0    00:00:00 grep smon

You can also check whether there is any oracle user or filesystem present on the server.

find the user is present or not
 # grep -i 'oracle' /etc/passwd


 # id oracle

The topic on Linux - How to check oracle db is there or not is posted by - Math

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