Linux - How to change permission for svn directories, Changing permission for all .svn folders
How to change permission for svn directories
How to recursively execute a command to change permission for all svn folders or directories?find . -type d -name .svn -exec chmod g+s "{}" \;
The above command will set the GID bit on all directories named .svn in the current directory recursively. This makes the group ownership of all .svn folders be the group ownership for all files created in that folder, no matter the user.
This is useful for me as the subversion working directory on my server is also the live website and needs to be auto committed to subversion every so often via cron as well as worked on by multiple users. Setting the GID bit on the .svn folders makes sure we don't have a mix of .svn metadata created by a slew of different users.
The topic on Linux - How to change permission for svn directories is posted by - Math
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