Linux - Find replace hidden characters vi editor, Search hidden characters in vi editor
Find replace hidden characters vi editor
How will find and and replace the hidden characters in vi editor
Vi editor is such an awesome editor for developers. while you do coding with other editors it may help you with auto syntax but the garbage values written by it while saving the file may make your entire code as a non functional one.To Display all hidden characters in vi Editor
:set listWhich will turn on the feature and will list all the hidden characters. Use this command in esc mode.
To turn off hidden characters list
:set nolistthis will turn off the hidden character list in vi editor.
How to type ^M ?
Type using ctrl+v+m or just "^" + m
To remove control M characters in vi editor
:%s/^M//gThe %s option will do search, / is the separator used use in between. ^M the character to be searched it can be any search value, // replace it with the null value. g stands for globally, to replace the ^M character with null value in entire page
The topic on Linux - Find replace hidden characters vi editor is posted by - Vikram
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