Linux - Error ndc connection to remote host closed, Named service down

Error ndc connection to remote host closed

Error Ndc: connection to remote host closed

The error ndc connection to remote host closed indicate's that the remote server is using an older version of the command protocol, this host is not authorized to connect, or the key is invalid.

Follow the steps to fix the error connection to remote host closed

change rndc-key to rndckey Next in /etc/named.conf
 $ vi /etc/named.conf 
find every occurence of rndc-key and change it to rndckey Next.

change rndc-key to rndckey Next in /etc/rndc.conf

 $ vi /etc/rndc.conf

Now, run this command twice at the command line:
 $ /scripts/fixndc

And finally, run the following commands:
 $ /scripts/restartsrv named; ndc reload; rndc reload

The topic on Linux - Error ndc connection to remote host closed is posted by - Veen

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