Linux - Enable acl without restaring server, Oracle setfacl operation not supported

Enable acl without restaring server

# rpm -q acl

Check the filesystem is mounted with acl
# grep acl /etc/fstab

  /dev/sda6  /opt/oracle  ext3  defaults,acl  1 2

How to remount a filesystem
# mount -o remount /opt/oracle

How to check the filesystem is mounted with acl
# mount | grep acl

 /dev/sda6 on /opt/oracle type ext3 (rw,acl)

Before you remounting some filesystem make sure that you gracefully shutdown any services that are holding open files before remounting
# fuser -v -m /opt/oracle

You'll find things like portmap, rsyslogd, cron, etc., containing either "f" or "F" in the flags. All of these should be stopped. Many can be stopped with "service service_name stop", with a list of service names found in a location like /etc/init.d/service_name. A few processes (like rpc.statd, if it's running) will simply need to be killed. Once this is complete, you can use the above commands to remount your file system.

man shutdown:
-F     Force fsck on reboot.

# shutdown -F 

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