
Microsoft windows keyboard shortcuts

Windows Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts (Microsoft Windows) 1. CTRL+C (Copy) 2. CTRL+X (Cut) 3. CTRL+V (Paste) 4. CTRL+Z (Undo) 5. DELETE (Delete) 6. SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin) 7. CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item) 8. CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item) 9. F2  ..

Chrome unable to display asian fonts

Unable to display chinese or tamil fonts

The solution for installing fonts are very simple. 1) Open Control Panel 2) Select Regional and Language Options => Languages 3) Install Files for East Asian languages Before installing required language support on both Chrome and IE7 I was unable to display the Asian fonts properly. After  ..

How to find appdata folder in windows 7

Find appdata or roaming profile in windows OS

In Windows XP, you can find AppData folder under C drive, C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\AppData In Windows 7, C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData Or, Open explorer(Win+R) and type "%appdata%" in url  ..

How to add same text in multiple cells

MS Office Add same text in multiple cells in excel

Microsoft Excel, you can enter the same data or text into multiple cells at once using the below simple steps. 1. Highlight all the cells that you want to have the same text. 2. Type the text you want. Example: TECHBLUFF 3. After adding text just press enter. That's it. You have added  ..

How to kill a process from command line

Tskill command on windows

I cant believe this when I tried it on windows, Do you ever believe that windows acting so efficient as linux, indeed Nooo.. tasklist command to view the process running in your windows machine. for eg, C:\>tasklist Image Name   ..

How to save utf 8 file in komodo

Save file in utf-8 format

1) Go to Edit -> Current file Settings. 2) In File Settings option, look for "Encoding" 3) Select UTF-8 option from the select box. 4) Hit "OK". 5) Now save your file. Now, Your file is saved in UTF-8 format. Saving file in utf-8 format is not so hard. You can save file  ..

How to insert checkbox in word 2007

Insert checkbox in MS Word

How to insert a checkbox in to word 2007 1) Open word 2007 2) Mouse click on the place where you want to insert a checkbox 3) Click on "Insert" tab in the menu 4) Click on "Symbols" from group "Symbols" 5) Click on "More Symbols" and select font as "Webdings" 6) Search and select  ..

How to change port number of iis server

Change iis port number

If you are running multiple web servers on your computer, Then either you must run either one webserver at a time or run different web servers on different port. To change the port number of internet information service(iis) follow the steps below, 1) Open IIS manager. 2) Expand Sites menu, under  ..

How to delete babylon search from firefox

Delete babylon search from firefox

Follow the below steps to delete babylon search from firefox 1) Type about:config in the address bar and press Enter. 2) Do a search for "babylon" ( wihtout commas) 3) Then, right click on every item found 4) Select the option "Restore Default" or "Reset" 5) Done Uninstall Programs 1) Click Start 2) Then click Control Panel 3)  ..

Plesk api and rpc documents

Reference for plesk api and rpc doc

Documentation Main Page Plesk API Developers Guide Plesk API RPC referrence PHP functions and example   ..

How to set workbook password in excel 2007

Protect your excel sheet with password

Set password for workbook in Excel 2007: Go to File->Prepare->Encrypt Document. Type your password. Retype your password and Press Enter. At times it becomes necessary to set password for microsoft excel sheet or for the workbook. You might not want others to use your excel sheet or access the workbook. To  ..

Shortcut to inser row n column

How to insert Row and Column in MS-Excel

There are different methods to add a row or column in microsoft office excel. For Inserting a row Press Alt+i+r For Inserting a column Press Alt+i+c   ..

How to remove url or hyperlink in excel

Remove hyperlink from columns

How to Remove URL hyperlink from multiple cells or columns in Microsoft Excel? To remove a url or a hyperlink is ver simple. In a blank cell, enter the number 1) Copy that cell. 2) Select the cells with the hyperlinks (click the first cell, shift+down arrow to select multiple  ..

How to import xml file in excel

Programmatically Importing XML Data

Manually Importing XML Data 1) Start Excel and then click Open on the File menu. 2) In the Files of type list, select XML files. 3) Select the XML file you want to open and then click Open. If the file has multiple XSL style sheets, you are prompted to select one of the  ..

How to enable write access to usb

Regedit Enable USB Drive

Sometimes you would have connected the usb cable and enabled usb on you your BIOS and done all the other setting in your windows machine, but still you wont be able to access the USB devices on your machine or it may be such that you wont be able to  ..

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