Whm-cpanel - How to stop open relay cpanel server, Stop Open Relay on cpanel
How to stop open relay cpanel server
Stop Open Relay of Exim
Telnet to yourmailserver at port 25 and issue all the following commands:
telnet hostname/ip 25 helo client.server.com mail from: xxx@somedomain.com rcpt to: yyy@somedomain.com
If you are getting the error “554 : Relay access denied” then the server is not an open Relay
If not Just pass the command “DATA” after the recipient and then enter the message ending with a period ie : “.”
If you get the reply “SUCCESS Relay Accepted – final response code 550″
Then as you feared your server is subjected to open relay and if not enjoy...
I hope your server is not open relay supporting, but if it is so, as it is a Cpanel Server you can stop it normally using the below scripts
# /scripts/fixrelayd # /etc/rc.d/init.d/antirelayd restart # service exim restart
The topic on Whm-cpanel - How to stop open relay cpanel server is posted by - Math
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