Universal-facts - List of top 10 chocolate consuming countries, Chocolate consuming countries

List of top 10 chocolate consuming countries

List of top 10 chocolate consuming countries

Here is a list of top 10 chocolate consuming countries. List includes the amount of chocolate consumed by a person in Kilograms per year.

Sl.No 	Name of the Country 	Consumption (in Kgs)

1. 	  Switzerland 	              11.4

2. 	  United Kingdom 	      9.5

3. 	  Belgium 	              8.7

4. 	  Germany 	              8.6

5. 	  Ireland 	              8.1

6. 	  Denmark 	              7.9

7. 	  Norway 	              6.1

8. 	  Australia 	              6.0

9. 	  Poland 	              5.6

10. 	  America 	              5.4

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