Love - Naughty jokes for ur girlfriend, Impressive Jokes only for your sweetheart
Naughty jokes for ur girlfriend
Guys always have their own dirty thinking, likewise girls too have they understand. They enjoy it when their loved one speak like you. Impress your girlfriend(s) by using or sending some fun sms. Naughty minds do naughty things. Enjoy and keep loving your loved ones forever!!In Which Situation, Do Men Start Sweating In 10 Mins & Women Want To Go ON & ON & ON? Think.. Think.. Ans is SHOPPING!! God Bless Your Naughty Mind!!
Sir: What Is It That Girls Have Round In Shape On Both Left & Right Side, Differs In Sizes From Woman To Woman, Starts With B, Ends With S ? . . . . Me : It's Bangles.. ;->
Smile is the 2nd best thing U do with ur lips.. Of course you know the first one... It's keeping ur mouth shut. But I like the way U think!
Diagram in book was not clear.. So,madam drew diagram on blackboard and announced.. "Don't look at Book Figure, Look at my Figure!" To make it straight, she pulls it. 2 make it stand, she rubs it. 2 make it stiff, she licks it. 2 let it "IN" she pushes it. !!!! !!! !! ! True! Threading a needle is not easy!!!
Bite the neck gently, Chew the breast softly, Spread the legs slowly, Suck the juice excitingly, ???? ??? ?? ? That is the way to eat Tandoori Chicken!!!! Dirty Mind ;) ;)
Hold It Gently Put 2 Fingers If Dey Dnt Fit Fos Dem In If De Hole's Big Enough Put3 Move Up & Down Slowly.. Ooh Yes.. Can U Fil It? Dats How U Wash A Glass
Last nite I coodnt sleep. I wantd u warm against my skin. I wantd u on me. I wantd 2 feel u all over my body.. but i coodnt find u! !!! !! Where did i put my PYJAMAS?Send these Jokes to your sweetheart and enjoy them. Speaking lot about sex will improve your married life and you ll start understanding each other. So keep speaking speaking and enjoy it ;)
The topic on Love - Naughty jokes for ur girlfriend is posted by - Maha
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