Html-tutorial - How to create a html file, How to create a webpage

How to create a html file

Most of the simple webpages are created or designed by using HTML coding. HTML is not a coding language, It is a markup language.

How to create a HTML file in Windows machine:
a) Open notepad or wordpad
b) Save the file as test.html
c) When ever we want to edit the file, go to the directory where the file was saved. Select the file. Press Shift and simultaneously right click the mouse over the file. Now select 'Open With' and select notepad / wordpad to open then file.

How to create a HTML file in Linux Machine:
a) Use vi in a terminal and open a file as "vi test.html"
b) Save the file by using ":wq"
c) When ever we want to edit the file, Open the file using vi or pico. vi or vim is an editor you can open the file in your favourite editor you like.

The topic on Html-tutorial - How to create a html file is posted by - Malu

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