C-programming - Global variables, C++ global variables
Global variables
Global Variable
Variables declared outside of a block are called global variables. Global variables have program scope, which means they can be accessed everywhere in the program, and they are only destroyed when the program ends.
#include <iostream.h> float pi = 3.14; int circlearea() int area,r; r=10 area= pi*r*r; cout<< "area of circle: " << area << '/n'; int circlecircum() int circum, r; r=10; circum= 2*pi*r; cout<< " circumference of circle: " << circum << '/n'; int main( ) { circlearea(); circlecircum(); return 0; }
area of circle: 314 circumference of circle:62.8
The topic on C-programming - Global variables is posted by - Sathya
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